RIBA Silver Medal 2023 – Call for Entries

The Royal Institute of British Architects have been launched RIBA President’s Medals for the 2023 from schools of architecture worldwide. Awarded for the first time in 1836, the RIBA President’s Medals are the longest-standing and most prestigious architectural education awards in the world. Since their early days, the aim of these awards has been to celebrate the contribution of architecture to social betterment by rewarding innovation and competence in architectural education.

Every year, the BME Faculty of Architecture nominates one diploma project for the Riba Silver Medal, which is open to all students graduating this year. A jury of the BME Faculty of Architecture will make a decision whose application can be submitted to the RIBA organization (their application deadline is: 21 July 2023 and 31 July 2023). Please note that only ONE application per school can be accepted.

Internal application deadline to BME Faculty of Architecture is 17. July 2023. 13:00 pm.

Submission requirements: 10 images (as JPG files) illustrative of the project produced by the nominee(s) or used with permission according to the point 5 of the Guideline, two sets of images (Set One, Set Two). Internal application is not anonymous. The submission requirements of the RIBA Silver Medal must be fulfilled only by the winning applicant.

Guideline is available at this link.

Submission is via Teams.

Team of “RIBA 2023” link.

Join a team with this code: hitt9qb

If you have further inquiry, please contact Ms. Gyöngyi Tamás at: tamas.gyongyi@epk.bme.hu  

For more information, visit the  RIBA website

Cover picture: Detail of Robert Beeny’s winner project, 2020.
From: www.presidentsmedals.com

ClientThe Car Rental Co
SkillsPhotography / Media Production

Project Title

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.


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