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  2. Doctoral Studies PhD (Csonka
Doctoral Studies PhD (Csonka Pál Graduate School)

Studies in Csonka Pál Graduate School cover a wide range of scientific and engineering topics related to architecture, including urban sciences, energetics and sustainability, architectural heritage and history of architecture, structures, applied mechanics and applied geometry. The focus of this school is independent research under personal supervision.

Application information of Csonka Pál Graduate School is available here.
In particular, the list of research topics and potential supervisors is given here.
If you are interested in a topic, please contact the supervisor directly.

General application information is available here.

Application time for Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarships Program (for international students) is during the Winter of each year.
Note that for successful application you need a signed Statement of the Supervisor at the time of the application. Hence, the first important step in the application process is to find a topic and a supervisor from the list available at the website of the school. 

Application time for admission with regular scholarships (only for EU citizens) and for self-financing students is in the spring of each year.

Would you have further questions, please contact:
Dr. Bálint Kádár
Vice-Dean for Science


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