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  2. Integrated MSc Program in
Integrated MSc Program in Architectural Engineering

The Integrated MSc Program is a five-year (10 semester) long training and leads directly to an MSc degree in Architecture and Architectural Engineering (Dipl. Ing. Arch.).
For integrated MSc degree (10 semesters) students have to accumulate min 300 credit points. The Program requires to accomplish obligatory subjects and elective subjects too.
Currently there isn’t BSc program offered in English language.

During the Integrated MSc Program, students can choose at the beginning of the seventh semester from the following specialisations:
Sustainable Architecture
Urban Design
Real-Estate Development

Note: The Faculty of Architecture reserves the right of changing the Curricula. Specialisations have a minimum required number of students to start.

The current study programs are available here:
Curriculum and Prerequisite system
Elective subjects

The previous study programs are available in the  Bulletins

Information on the specializations is available  here

Information on the compulsory internships https://epitesz.bme.hu/en/internship

Statement of equivalence for the subjects of the first six semesters due to the modification of the curriculum of the Integrated MSc Program in Architecture based on the decision of the Faculty Council of 1 June 2022 here


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