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  2. Credit Transfer Committee of
Credit Transfer Committee of the Faculty

Head of the Credit Transfer Committee:
Dr. Ágnes Gyetvai Balogh

Members of the Committee:
Dániel Heincz
Zoltán Schrammel DLA

Student Representative:
Réka Viktória Csende 

In matters of credit transfer, credit recognition and competence recognition, the Faculty Credit Transfer Committee acts in the first instance. Among other things, its task is to examine whether courses completed in other programmes can be accepted in the student’s current programme.
Acceptance of a subject may mean that the previously completed subject replaces a compulsory or compulsory elective subject, but it may also mean that it is recorded as an elective subject under its original name.
The subject to be accepted can come from any previous course of the student; from the same faculty, from another faculty, from another institution, or completed during a mobility abroad (e.g. Erasmus).
The minimum requirement for accreditation is that there is at least 75% overlap in content and credit value between the subject completed and the subject to be accepted, and at least 50% in the case of an international exchange programme.
The Faculty Credit Transfer Committee decides on the admissibility of a course, but also asks the opinion of the department teaching the course.
The committee decides on the admission of courses on the basis of requests submitted in the Neptun system. Requests can be submitted by subject or by group. It is recommended that, in the case of requests for the acceptance of several subjects, a single request should be submitted.


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