Information concerning study work and schedule for students of the Faculty of Architecture of BME

Dear Students,

Due to the decision on 4th March 2020. BME and the Faculty of Architecture will switch to distance education work order. First, we would like to reorganise and define the education of the spring semester 2019/2020/2. Our common goal is to enable you to complete the semester successfully through solving the difficulties of the changeover. Tutors and lecturers of the Faculty are currently working on creating and ensuring study material, methods, organization means for the changeover. Through this message, we would like to inform you about these steps.

The altered schedule of study work of the spring semester 2019/2020/2 of the Faculty of Architecture of BME

  • 12-13th March 2020 (Thursday and Friday), were ordered for extraordinary School Holiday by the Rector of BME. Furthermore, the Spring Holiday was changed to 16- 20th March 2020.
  • Starting from 23rd until 27th March 2020 the teaching activities shall continue with the Studio week.
  • From 23rd March 2020. the introduction of distance learning methods (supported by advanced technologies, information systems) shall start.
  • Between 23rd and 27th March 2020, taking advantage of the possibility of the studio week, preparation materials will be uploaded in the distance learning system.
  • You will receive a time schedule with information about the distance learning system during the studio week. Lessons shall be basically scheduled to the original timetable. However, we try to use possibilities of digital technology. Thus, you will receive detailed information during the studio week about the study methodology of the single classes and their weekly schedule.
  • The special classes needing direct contact by all means (eg. building visits, freehand drawing classes can only be completed after the withdrawal of measures in relation to enhanced epidemiological protection) will be marked especially. For redemption of these courses a special plan will be developed.
  • From 30th March 2020. distance learning system shall start.

Communication means of the Faculty of Architecture of BME of the spring semester 2019/2020/2

  • The main communication mean of students and tutors/lecturers is the Moodle system. The guidebook for registering can be found HERE. Students not yet registered in Moodle system are asked to do the registration latest until 22nd March 2020 23:59.
  • Regarding other communication means students will receive information from the departments through the Moodle system. These might be slightly different depending on the teaching methodology of the course. About the exact schedule, form of consultations students will be informed by the heads of course.
  • The announced schedule of courses might change fitting the circumstances. However, regarding the academic performance assessment schedule the trendsetting viewpoint is the schedule may be changed in an explicitly justified case only. Mid-term and final submissions shall be scheduled announced generally in accordance with the original schedule of the academic year 2019/2020. About any divergence from this rule

students shall be informed by the head of course and the Faculty after negotiations on faculty level during the studio week.

  • You will receive separate information about the schedule of special courses concerning more departments (comprehensive design, diploma studio).
  • Beyond Moodle system you are asked to register in the MS Teams as well. For this you must possess a MS Office 365 registration (information HERE). For this you should use the email form:
  • Deadline for students’ registration latest until 22nd March 2020 23:59.
  • You will receive information about the order of exams and diploma defences later, during the semester.

Dear Students,

Should you have any further questions regarding the changeover or the schedule of the semester, or should you be hindered or having difficulties with registering whether for Moodle or MS Teams, you are kindly asked to check the website of the Faculty or give a feedback to,,,, or contact the Faculty on FaceBook, or INSTAGRAM.

Budapest, 20th  March 2020.

prof. György Alföldi DLA                                   István Bartók DLA ass. prof.

BME ÉPK dean                                                        vice-dean for international education

ClientThe Car Rental Co
SkillsPhotography / Media Production

Project Title

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.


4 days ago

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