As it was carried out in the previous year, on the 29th May 2015 within the frame of the talent management grant of the Student’s Scientific Association Board at the Faculty of Architecture of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics a one day visit is to be organized to Mauerbach Charterhouse, the training and research centre of the BDA (Bundesdenkmalamt Österreich – Austrian Federal Monuments Office).
As it was carried out in the previous year on the 29th May 2015 within the frame of the talent management grant of the Student’s Scientific Association Board at the Faculty of Architecture of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics a one day visit is to be conducted to Mauerbach Charterhouse, the training and research centre of the BDA (Bundesdenkmalamt Österreich – Austrian Federal Monuments Office).
In the premise of the Mauerbach monastery the training and research centre of the BDA is operating that provides numerous trainings for the various professions (skilled workers and monument specialists) engaged with monument conservation and preservation. Besides trainings various short and long term research projects are carried out on the site in the field of preservation and conservation of heritage structures and historic buildings.
Planned program of the visit:
7:00 | meeting at the front of the Central („K”) Building of BME |
10:30 | appr. time of arrival to Mauerbach |
10:45–13:00 | lectures, workshops (conservation of historic buildings, historic technologies, historic building constructions) |
13:00–14:00 | lunch break |
14:00–17:00 | walkthrough on the heritage site with guidance and individually |
17:00–17:30 | departure to home |
20:00–21:00 | arrival to BME |
The program is sponsored by the NTP-TDK-14-0033 „TDK Műhelyek támogatása” EMMI-EMET-OFI grant.
Budapest, 11th May 2015
Vidovszky István
TDK (SSA) – program coordinator