Piran Days of Architecture 2015

On 21 November 2015, the Piranesi Award, one of the most prestigious architectural awards of Central Europe, took place in Piran/SLO as part of the international architectural conference Piran days of Architecture (PDA).

On 21 November 2015, the Piranesi Award, one of the most prestigious architectural awards of Central Europe, took place in Piran/SLO as part of the international architectural conference Piran days of Architecture (PDA). We are proud of that for the first time students of our faculty competed in this contest this year, namely Zita Csaba and Bálint Visy. On this place we like to thank them for their time and efforts.

The topic of the contest „Tradition and invention“ run like a common thread through the interesting lectures hold by architects and scientists from Slovenia, Austria, Hungary, UK, Croatia and Spain. At the evening the award presentation ceremony was accompanied by good diner and music. We thank the organisation team for their successful work, specially Maja Ivanic president of the organizing committee.

We also congratulate Levente Szabó DLA and his colleagues for their mention for their project The Deads of the University – World War II. Memorial, Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Humanities.

We are looking forward for taking part in the next years competition!

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The Piranesi winners are published at this link.

Photographs of the event are here.


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