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  2. Research
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  4. Facilities and Infrastructure
Facilities and Infrastructure

The Aldolf Czakó Structural Laboratory is devoted to experimental testing of building materials and structures and supports various R&D projects in structural engineering.

Modelling Workshop
The primary aim of the Modelling Workshop of the Department of Graphics, Form and Design is to provide technical assistance to students’ modelling projects. In addition, the equipment of the workshop (woodworking machines, CNC, laser cutter, 3D printer) makes it possible to undertakes off-campus private projects and academic research programs.

Laboratory of Architectural Informatics
We operate 1 server room, 3 laboratories and 60 workstations in order to support the digital education of architect students. We developed the infrastructure in an ergonomic way, to fit the digital needs of an AEC project. Students are welcome to use these all day, including weekends. https://vimeo.com/291878341

Laboratory for Building Physics
The laboratory is devoted to experimental testing of building materials hygro-thermal properties, solar measurements of glazing assemblies, sensor system developement, on-site monitoring and data collection

The Laboratory of Building Acoustics is one of the few ISO 17025 accredited laboratories in Hungary that perform measurements of airborne and impact sound insulation.  Members of the laboratory are highly skilled experts, with experiences in education, consultancy and measurement technologies.

The Digital Repository of the Historic Drawing and Photo Collection of the Department of History of Architecture and Monument Preservation of BUTE (in collaboration with the National Technical Information Centre and Library of BUTE)


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