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  2. Preparatory Year for Master
Preparatory Year for Master of Science Program in Architecture (Pre-MSc Program)

The 2 semester program called Pre-MSc Program precedes the MSc Program. The Pre-MSc Program is offered for students who have earned BSc degrees in other schools of architecture and could legally join the MSc Program, but could not successfully complete the entrance exam of the MSc Program. Based on the different kind of BSc studies there might be differences in their preparedness. The aim of the Program is to equal these differences and prepare the students for the MSc Program.
Students are offered to join the courses of the Integrated MSc Program. There are two kinds of courses in the Program: obligatory and suggested courses. Successful fulfilment of all the obligatory courses is equal to a successful entrance exam. Suggested courses are tendered to develop the skills of students in various fields.

The current study program is available here:

The previous study programs are available in the  Bulletins


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