The subject is based on the cooperation of the departments of the Faculty of Architecture. Students work in studios in groups with individual tasks as well instructed by teachers of the departments involved. There are two design tasks to be solved during the semester, that can be chosen freely from the offered opportunities. Each task is to solve in seven weeks. Some of the tasks are: sport hall for Olympic Games in Budapest, Dwelling Underground, Suspension in Architecture, The Green in the Metropolitan Area (green walls, green roofs) etc.
1st term
MON: 08:15-16:00(K222); WED: 08:15-16:00(K222);
Project template
TUE: 08:15-16:00(K222); THU: 08:15-16:00(K222);
Project template
2nd term
MON: 08:15-16:00(K222); WED: 08:15-16:00(K222);
Project template
TUE: 08:15-16:00(K222); THU: 08:15-16:00(K222);
Project template