Corporate social responsibility – Research at Faculty of Architecture

Organisers kindly invite you and your family to the opening of the exhibition of the bio briquettes factory built in Taban, in Monor.

Organisers kindly invite you and your family to the opening of the exhibition of the bio briquettes factory built in Taban, in Monor.

The exhibition will be opened by Ferenc Cságoly DLA, Head of the Doctoral School at the Faculty of Architecture, Budapest University of Technology and Economics.

Date and time: 2 December 2014, 6 pm

Place: Association of Hungarian Architects (Magyar Építőművészek Szövetsége), 2 Ötpacsirta street, Budapest, 1088, Károly Kós Hall

The Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta has been working in the Taban community of Monor since 2003. The Presence programme has achieved outstanding results through the persistent work of its partakers over the past years, so it is not without reason that the work in Monor is being referred to as a model programme. In 2012 a group from the Faculty of Architecture at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics joined the work, in order to provide assistance in solving the problems of the community.

As a result of the cooperation it is to be hoped that the future plans will be realized according to a well thought concept. One of the main goals of the long-term and slow cooperative process is to construct a larger building for community use on the site of the ‘Hangar’, a recycled airplane hangar currently functioning as a social office and multifunctional community center.

Over the past few months two smaller garden buildings have been designed and built as an experimental first step in the more serious long-term project of building the multipurpose communal house.
The university group of architects together with their students designed the newly constructed pavilion. Essential purposes behind building this house are the activity of building itself with the students and community members together, building up the community, teaching, and learning.

The functional purpose of the pavilion is an open-air, covered area with a small, secured shed attached. Members of the community spend considerable time outside participating in communal activities and chatting and this small, roofed construction provides a quality backdrop for these critical activities. An American grant (Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund 2013, Department of State, American Embassy, Budapest) won by the workgroup of architects and a Hungarian grant (Hungarian Academy of Arts) financed construction.

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