BIM – industry-oriented study at university

GRAPHISOFT Grants ArchiCAD Certificates to Brazilian Students of Architecture in Hungary

GRAPHISOFT Grants ArchiCAD Certificates to Brazilian Students of Architecture in Hungary

Brazilian students of architecture, who are studying at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics as part of an intergovernmental agreement between Brazil and Hungary, received certificates in ArchiCAD at a ceremony held at GRAPHISOFT’s corporate headquarters in Budapest. The ceremony was attended by representatives of the Brazilian Embassy, the University, and GRAPHISOFT leaders.


There are currently 1,600 Brazilian students studying at universities in Hungary, under the “Science without Borders” program. Of these, 78 students are studying architecture at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, half of whom are specializing in BIM (Building Information Modeling).

“The Brazilian Government is pleased to provide an opportunity for young university students to study abroad under “The Science Without Borders” program, and we greatly appreciate GRAPHISOFT’s professional assistance to the architecture students,” said Francisco Carvalho Chagas, Minister-Counsellor of the Brazilian Embassy.


The construction industry in Brazil is developing dynamically, so architecture is a very popular choice among college students. “No doubt, the high profile of GRAPHISOFT and ArchiCAD is part of the reason that about 20 students specifically chose to study Building Information Modeling (BIM) in Hungary, because of the software-based architectural design program we have developed,” said László Drajkó , Vice President, GRAPHISOFT Americas  

Several Brazilian students applied for every available slot at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, reflecting the high caliber and prestige of Hungarian architecture and architectural training. The Brazilian students attend a two-semester program in Hungary.

“Most students participate in this program after having completed three or four years of studies, after they have gained a basic knowledge of architecture and are ready to delve into more specialized areas. We make sure that the program focuses on practical training and provides a good preparation for successful design work in the future. In this endeavor, GRAPHISOFT is a very good partner for our university,” said Mihály Szoboszlai, Associate Professor of the University’s Department of Architectural Representation.


The “Science without Borders” program, run by the government of Brazil, seeks to enable Brazilian students to study abroad. Its purpose is to ensure that Brazil’s emerging professionals receive not only technical training, but also a broad international experience. The program finances one full year of study abroad for undergraduates.

A course on “BIM Modeling with ArchiCAD” (BMEEPAG0236) course was a joint offering of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Faculty of Architecture) and GRAPHISOFT. Those who completed the course have received certificates.



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