Job Opportunity for Architecture Graduates

The Kroenland Designlab based in Vienna, Austria is currently looking for new employees with a degree in Architecture.

The Kroenland Design team, is looking for new motivated talents to boost our office. We can guarantee a vast
amount of different Projects reaching from interior- to industrial design, making it never boring at Kroenland
Designlab. Especially in the area of Professional Planning we are looking for further assistance.

-Graduation from a Secondary technical College or a degree in interior work, Industrial Design,
or Architecture.
-Work experience in Project supervison and Project management.

-Very good German skills (speaking and writing).
-Good English skills.
-Very good skills in AutoCAD (or similar CAD software) and MS Office.
-Independent working and independent project organisation such as stress resistance.

-Work experience with large projects and local project supervision
-Relevant planning experience in interior construction.
-Software: Rhinoceros, Adobe Creative Suite, Autodesk Revit.

-A nice office in the 6th district of Vienna, with easily accessible public transportation and an excellent infrastructure.
-A young and motivated Team that is always ready to embark on new challenges.
-Exciting projects.
-Flexible working hours.
If some of the point listed above apply to you and you are interested we would be really happy to receive your
Portfolio along with your CV. Please forward to
You can find further information about our Office and our projects at:


We hope to receive an application from you!

Your Kroenland Designlab Team.


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