World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering – Architecture – Urban Planning Symposium – WMCAUS 2016 will be held in in Prague (Czech Republic) during 13-17 June 2016.
Deadline for abstract submission is 26 February, 2016. Online registration and submission system is now open, and you can submit your abstract(s) as well as full text(s).
WMCAUS 2016 aims to provide a forum for discussion of the latest findings and technologies in different fields of Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Sciences and give opportunities for future collaborations. We hope it will be an appreciated platform for sharing knowledge and experiences in the fields of Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Sciences given below.
Construction Management and Engineering, Construction Materials, Geotechnics, Hydromechanics, Structural Engineering, Building Performance Simulations, Transportation, Architectural Space, Social Sciences and Architecture, Architectural Culture, Theories of Vision and Visuality, Architectural Design and Methods, Architectural Historiography, Sustainability in the Built Environment, Urban Planning, Public Space, Urban Design, Theories and Methods, Regional Planning, Archaeological Method and Theories, Sustainable Urban Development, Urban Sociology, Economics and Politics, Risk Management and Mitigation Planning, GIS-Based Modelling for Mitigation Planning, Computer Aided Design, Mathematical and Statistical Methods, Integrated Coastal Zone Planning and Management, Accreditation of Civil Engineering, Architectural, City and Regional Planning Education.
We are also very selective for completion of the Scientific Committee, and all members will be worldwide well-known, productive and representatives of the different countries.
On the behalf of the Organising Committee, we would like to invite you as a representative participant in WMCAUS 2016. We also invite you to be convener of a specific section related with a one of the WMCAUS 2016 topics to organize a group with the minimum 10 presentations (oral and/or poster). We are expecting your proposals focused on new and timely research topics and innovative issues. Conveners will be free of charge of registration fee as a compliment of WMCAUS 2016 if your session will be completed with the minimum 10 participants registered.
Abstract of your submission will first be requested (please see the deadlines), and full texts (optional) will then be sent to the WMCAUS 2016. The collections of Abstract Collection will be published before event. All submitted (optional) and accepted full texts will be published in Procedia Engineering – Journal – Elsevier (which is indexed in ISI WOS, SCOPUS, etc.).
More information: WMCAMUS’ webpage, e-mail