Welcome to the freshmen and senior students

Opening ceremony of academic year of 2014/15 will be held on Monday, 1st September, 2014, 10 am.

We invite our students and their parents at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics 232. academic year for the opening ceremony on 1st September 2014 (Monday) at 10 am to be held in Building K entrance hall.

The ceremony of our new students for is going to be held in Building K 2nd floor romm 75.

Please, take your seats at not later than 9:30.

We wish all students a successful semester!


A Fővárosi Önkormányzat idén is meghirdeti a Budapest Roma Ösztöndíjprogramot felsőoktatási intézmény nappali tagozatos roma hallgatói részére.📅Jelentkezési határidő: 2025. április 15.👉További részletek: epitesz.bme.hu/portfolio/budapest-roma-osztondijprogram-2025-palyazati-felhivas/ ... See MoreSee Less
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