The Palace of King Mathias in 3D

Architect students reconstructed and presented in a 12 minute long 3D animation the Castle of Buda and its environment during a one and a half year project.

Based on the computer engineer Roland Varga’s ideas, a long preparing and researching period started, then the modeling of the castle and the virtual environment began under Dániel Régi’s leadership.

In the meantime more students joined the group. Mihály Fazekas accelerated the building modeling and the texture creation, while Ádám Kovács edited and post processed the movie.

It was quite a challenge that they planed the movie for a stereo 3D (with polarized glasses) projection.

The full movie can be seen in the National Dance Theather.

In the project Márton Babos, Károly Hanzelik and Krisztina Krocskó architect students also took apart.


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