Sports building in Budapest

In Faculty of Architecture will be held a new intersting course  – Project Design Industrial–Construction Technology and Management for students. Please read toward for details.

In Faculty of Architecture will be held a new intersting course  – Project Design Industrial–Construction Technology and Management for students. Please read toward for details.


Course description:

The course Project Design is run by two departments: the Department of Construction Technology and Management and the Department of Industrial and Agricultural Building Design. Students’ work will be accompanied by consultants of both departments.

Theme of the course
Define the design program and make the project for a temporary sports building situated in a gap of the inner city of Budapest.

Design task
The aim of the course is to define the design program of a temporary sport building in the inner part of Budapest on the base of rent. The construction should operate for 10 years. Which kind shall be choosen? How big should it be? Which material, which building method, which construction is adequate in this situation?

Progress throughout the semester
The course will be held in a workshop style. Students’ work will be accompanied by consultants of both departments. Students will have to complete their tasks in groups.
The seminars not only provide space to collective consultations and presentations but also contain the consultant’s phase-specific presentations which shall improve the development of the work.
Thus in the beginning of the course students will get familiar with the tasks and the site in form of presentations and site visits. They also get acquainted with examples, possible structural systems, technologies and possible solutions.
The development/progress of their projects will be presented weekly by the students in form of open presentations during the seminars. These presentations will be immediately evaluated by the consultants who will discuss the work in public. As the design process goes on at the presentations students have to document the architectural and technical interpretation of at least one example, the characteristics of the designed site and the architectural appearance of the building.

You can dowload project templates below.


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