RIBA nominations 2014

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) is now calling for nominations for the President’s Medals 2014.

Awarded for the first time in 1836, the RIBA President’s Medals are considered the most prestigious architectural education awards in the world. Since their early days, the aim of the awards has been to promote excellence in the study of architecture, to reward talent and to encourage architectural debate worldwide.

In addition to inviting RIBA-validated schools of architecture to take part, each year we select a number of non-validated schools to make nominations. I am delighted to invite your school to enter this year’s awards.

Schools of Architecture can nominate two of their best design projects for the Bronze Medal (for students who are enrolled in the first three years of an undergraduate course in Architecture), two for the Silver Medal (for students who are enrolled in the last two years, or who have recently completed, an undergraduate course in Architecture) and one dissertation for the Dissertation Medal.

The deadline for submissions for the Dissertation Medal is 17:00 on Monday 14 July. Submissions for design projects for the Bronze and Silver Medals must be made by 17:00 on Monday 15 September. Students can apply at heads of departments.

More information and appliaction forms are below.


Source: RIBA communiqué


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