Prize and Exhibition of Projects in Schools of Architecture and Landscape

9th edition of the Prize and Exhibition of Projects in Schools of Architecture and Landscape has extended the deadline for registration and submission of projects until May 31, 2016, in response to the request of many for a little more time.

9th edition of the Prize and Exhibition of Projects in Schools of Architecture and Landscape has extended the deadline for registration and submission of projects until May 31, 2016, in response to the request of many for a little more time.

This time it is possible to participate, not only from each school, but also from each course, workshop, program and/or department, making a selection of three to five projects that best represent the projective and research work. In this way each department can have a sample of their work, and each school/university a greater number of projects that represent, with a ceiling of 50 projects each. At the time of registration, each course, workshop, program and/or department must do so individually, with the respective school/college.on the Prize’s webpage.

This way each participant entity may submit the project participants (maximum 5, minimum 3) independently.

You can learn more about the bases, the tutorial and the template on which projects should be placed for the exhibition.



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