New architect-informatics lab

At the Faculty of Architecture (in frame of after years of property-developmental project of our university) the 60 benched architect-informatics lab is going to be presented.

at 10:00 on 15th February 2013 (Friday).

Location: Műegyetem rakpart 3, building K., II./217.

The lab will be presented for the users by dr. Gábor Péceli, the rector of the University.

We especially thank to Ilona Frendl and Ervin Frendl, together with the Graphisoft R&D Incorporated Company for their financial sponsorship and for the work of the designers and contractors.


The lab is going to be handed over in the building K at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics on 15th February 2013. The cultivation has been carried out in a unique sponsorship, considering the history of the Faculty of Architecture: the generous Ervin Frendl, architect had donated 32 Million Forints to the university. The lab stands by three air-conditioned Danube-view halls, one by one equipped with 21-21 high-output CAD workstations and 23 inches monitors. This establishment allows to instead the former two students could work only one in one computer on the technical lessons. The schemes had been made by teachers of the university with the thing worth mentoring resolving of ergonomic and functional aspects of inside furnishing.


You can read more details with the lab-presentation: here.


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