Essay Competition for students

An essay competition “Education of the Future” is addressed to students of high schools, universities and PhD.

An essay competition “Education of the Future” is addressed to students of high schools, universities and PhD.

The purpose of the essay competition “Education of the Future” is to raise awareness about the online education among young people.

The winner will receive a scholarship of 2000 USD. The participants who will take 2nd and 3rd places will be awarded with the amount of 1000 USD and 500 USD respectively. The winners will be selected through an open voting on the website of educational platform Preply.


Submission procedure

1. All the participants have to submit their essays here.

2. The essay must be written in English and contain no more than 300 words. In the essay, the participant has to specify his / her name and the name of educational institution in which he / she studies.

3. The content of the essay must contain the words – “education”, “future” and “online tutoring”.

4. All written works will be available for open voting at from May 1, 2016 to June 14, 2016 inclusive.

5. Three participants receiving the highest number of votes on the website, will be declared as winners.


Voting procedure:

1. The participant has to create an account at via Facebook registration button.

2. Registered user has to click on the “Vote” button in order to vote for the respective contestant.

3. Only one vote is allowed per one essay.

4. Users can vote for unlimited number of essays.

5. The votes are counted at the Preply’s website only. Registration on the platform is FREE!

Winning essays will be published on website on 15 June 2016.

More details about the contest can be found here.

Educational platform is the organizer of the essay competition „Education of the Future”.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact at!


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