DATADATE – redefining the way we see the city and ourselves

DATADATE is a 48 hours workshop for asking questions about open data in a world of decreasing cost of sensors and connectivity. The potential of the massive, ever growing big data is obvious, and we are witnessing the rise of self-organizing networks, redefining the way we see the city and ourselves.

DATADATE is a 48 hours workshop for asking questions about open data in a world of decreasing cost of sensors and connectivity. The potential of the massive, ever growing big data is obvious, and we are witnessing the rise of self-organizing networks, redefining the way we see the city and ourselves.

Transform data into wisdom, possibilities, services, interfaces, or into the awesomeness you come up with!

Sounds challenging? No worries, you will be guided by SAP’s experts, mentors from the Department of Urban Planning and Design (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) and from Inspiration4.

More information and registration:


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