Research groups

The following list shows a selection of research groups associated with the faculty:

Falerone Art Colony Architectural design projects in the region of Province of Fermo (Italy), Art projects in the programs of Falerone Art Colony, Study of the Italian architecture, Historic Building Survey (Falerone, Italy). Leader of the research team: VÁLI, István Frigyes DLA, founder of the Falerone Art Colony

The Morphodynamics Research Group addresses mathematical and physical models of shape evolution with emphasis on geophysical and planetological applications, such as sand grains, pebbles, ventifacts, rock profiles, asteroids.

The Urban Future Laboratory (UFLab) is a research group, which launches experimental projects – focusing especially on the challenges of the urban future – and examines the progress, the results, the applied tools and the relations between the applied measures of these initiatives.

The Urban Heritage Lab (UHLab) is a knowledge center on the research and development of urban areas and landcapes with unique heritage values. It collects knowledge and initiates projects on historic city centers from various ages and mass housing neigbourhoods realised in the state socialist era, it deals with the development potentials and threads of tourism, and analyses the cultural landscapes and heritage of regions of Balaton and the Danube.

Archelogy of historic buildings

The Project Scheduling Research Group is dedicated to develop tools for scheduling problems for which practical solutions i.e. solution within reasonable computational time problems does not exist or there is no solution at all.

crisisARCHITECTURE Research Group the focus of the research is the architectural intervention in case of crises (humanitarian crises, natural disasters, etc.)

Cultural Landscapes Research Group: the research focuses on large scale, usually abandoned industrial, mining and agricultural areas, which require architectural intervention as part of the reclamation process.

“… in the footsteps of modern architecture…” Research Group

Hassan Fathy Survey Mission Research Group

IPARTERV Research Group the complete photographic archive and library of the design company of great past (1959-) is open for research at the department.

Building Ecology Research Group (members are: Erzsébet Lányi, Zoltán Páricsy, Boldizsár Medvey, with cooperation Attila Ertsey, István Kistelegdy, Ádám Bihari, Gergely Radev, Balázs Kemes, Péter Medgyasszay)

Building Acoustic Research Group (members are: members of Laboratory of Building Acoustics)


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