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  2. Research

Members of the Faculty of Architecture, BME are involved in high variety or research projects related to historical, social, theoretical and scientific aspects of architecture, structural engineering, management, urban sciences, and building construction. Our interdisciplinary team includes experts in various fields ranging from applied mathematics to social sciences and architectural design.

Members of our faculty are involved in international research projects or take part in design competitions worldwide. Actual projects are available at the relevant pages of the departments and the graduate schools.


A Fővárosi Önkormányzat idén is meghirdeti a Budapest Roma Ösztöndíjprogramot felsőoktatási intézmény nappali tagozatos roma hallgatói részére.📅Jelentkezési határidő: 2025. április 15.👉További részletek: epitesz.bme.hu/portfolio/budapest-roma-osztondijprogram-2025-palyazati-felhivas/ ... See MoreSee Less
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