DOCONF2021 – Facing Post-Socialist Urban Heritage

The DOCONF2021 is the 4th international doctoral / postdoctoral conference in architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, and planning organized by the Department of Urban Planning and Design, Faculty of Architecture, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME).

The DOCONF is a bi-annual event in Budapest to meet doctoral tutors and students, to teach each other, to learn from each other. The BME Department of Urban Planning and Design wishes to promote cooperation among doctoral institutions in architecture and urbanism and try to facilitate the academic network building for future generations of scholars through their specific fields of research related to post-socialist urban heritage.

The DOCONF series provides a comparative overview of current doctoral research focusing on the urban challenges related to the inherited physical – built and natural – environment of the post-socialist cities in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), and post-soviet Asia. Those invited include doctoral students, candidates, or post-doctoral researchers (with a PhD/DLA degree earned after the 1st of January 2016) specializing in architecture, urban design, urban planning, or landscape architecture.

8th OCT 2021 

8:30-9:00      REGISTRATION

9:00-9:30      OPENING

Dr. Melinda BENKŐ – Chair of DOCONF / H & Prof. György ALFÖLDI – Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, BME / H & Prof. András FERKAI – Head of the Committee on Architecture, Hungarian Academy of Sciences / H

In this version (sept21) the lecturers of a session are in alphabetical order



Chairs: Dr. Melinda BENKŐ / Budapest H & Prof. Richard KLEIN / Lille F & Dr. David TICHY / Prague Cz

Sofia BORUSHKINA / Milano, I / Ru / Top-Down Large-Scale Urban Interventions and Density Profile: the Housing Renovation program in Moscow

Ekaterina GLADKOVA & Prof. Valerii KOZLOV / Irkutsk Ru / Urban planning concepts for the renovation of microdistricts in the 1950s-70s: the result of a workshop in Irkutsk

Réka MÁNDOKI & Dr. John ORR / Cambridge UK / Hu / Learning from the past – How to create sustainable mass produced buildings today?

Nikola MITROVIĆ & Dr. Aleksandra DJUKIC / Belgrade Sr / Mapping informal changes – new meanings and new patterns of usage of  mega blocks: case study New Belgrade

Jitka MOLNÁROVÁ / Prague Cz / Bottom-up transformations of modernist housing estates

Maciej SWIDERSKI / Amsterdam Nl / Pl / Heritage-inspired local knowledge as a tool for planning the future of late-modernist housing estates

Munkh-Erdene TOGTOKHBAYAR & Dr. Tamás PERÉNYI / Budapest H / Mong / Post-socialist urban housing form: Changing ger districts in Ulaanbaatar

03 THE FIFTIES session

Chairs: Dr. Kornélia KISSFAZEKAS / Budapest H & Dr. Endre VÁNYOLÓS / Cluj Ro & Dr. Federica VISCONTI / Naples I

Ana BORANIEVA / Barcelona E / MK / In the Shadow of Skopje’s Railway Artefact: The Interscalar Character Of The Artefact As A Condition For Constructing New Centrality.

János KLANICZAY / Budapest H / Measuring the architectural experience: comparing the ‘50s and ‘70s during urban walking tours

Bárbara Mylena DELGADO da SILVA & Dr. Eszter KARLÓCAINÉ BAKAY / Budapest  Hu / Br / People’s Park: An overview from examples of Post – Socialist urban parks in Europe



Chairs: Dr. Bálint KÁDÁR / Budapest H & Prof. Zorica NEDOVIĆ-BUDIĆ / Chicago IL USA & Dr. Angelica STAN / Bucharest Ro

Dr. Branislav ANTONIĆ / Belgrade Sr / Reviving Socialist Shrinking Towns in the Lower Danube Region in Serbia by Embracing their Modernist Urban Heritage

Ágnes BERTYÁK / Budapest H / Shrinking villages – Population retention and tourism development opportunities of the settlements of Őrség

Anna Kornélia LOSONCZY / Budapest H / Rákospalota vs. Újpalota: changing centrality of District XV, Budapest

Mattias MALK / Tallinn, Est / With or Without You: The Local Significance of Rail Baltic in Pärnu

Andreea Catalina POPA / Bucharest Ro / Shrinking cities on the Romanian side of the Danube river

9th OCT 2021


05 RE-COLLECTIVE session

Chairs: Dr. Julianna SZABÓ / Budapest H & Dr. Aleksandra DJUKIĆ / Belgrade Sr

Annamária BABOS / Budapest H / Key challenges of implementing the cohousing model in CEE countries Comparison Hungary and Poland

Anica Dragutinovic & Prof. Uta POTTGIESSER / Delft Nl / Sr / Regenerative Design and Co-Commitment as Decisive Factors in Mass Housing Revitalisation

Diana GALOS / Cluj Ro / Urban housing in the countryside: community building and real estate policies

Zofia PIOTROWSKA / Warsaw Pl / Reimagining housing cooperatives in Poland: transformation strategies for the future.

Dr. Vitaly STADNIKOV & Yulia BELOSLYUDTSEVA / Moscow Ru / Problems of land division as an essential instrument of regulation and urban regeneration in Post-Soviet Russia


Chairs: Dr. Melinda BENKŐ / Budapest H & Dr. Domonkos WETTSTEIN

Antonio NEVESCANIN / Lodz Pl / Hr / from session 01 / Urban Regeneration of The Socialist Modernist Housing Neighborhoods in Lodz, Poland and Zagreb, Croatia

Romana HAJDUKOVÁ & Alžbeta SOPIROVÁ / Bratislava Sk / from session 02 / Brownfields and green infrastructure in the region of „triangle of death”

Lyudmila KOZLOVA & Dr. Anastasia MALKO / Irkutsk Ru / from session 03 / The structural role of public spaces in 1950-80s mass housing: Experience and Prospects of the Akademgorodok district in Irkutsk

Andrea NÓBLAGA CARRIQURY & Amaia CELAYA ALVAREZ / Barcelona E / from session 04 / Urban Resilience in post-Soviet built environment renewal: the case study of Yakutsk


04 RESILIENCE session

Chairs: Dr. Árpád SZABÓ / Budapest H & Dr. Dániel KISS / Zürich-Basel Ch

Bence BENE / Budapest H / SPACE SYNTAX & OCOKA – Possibilities of Using Geospatial Technology for Military Analysis on Urban Terrain

Dominika GRABOWSKA-ROPEK & Maria JANKOWSKA / Warsaw Pl / Post-pandemic urban planning rules – future predictions

Rachel Győrffy / Budapest H / Towards a Potemkin City: Motifs and Consequences of Reconstructivism in Central- and Eastern Europe

Marcell HAJDU / Weimar D / H / Fragmenting Emptiness: The Democratic Resilience of Post-Socialist Public Spaces in Contemporary Budapest

Rania MATROUK & Shaha MAITEH / Budapest H / Syr / Urban Resilience to in Post-Socialist Cities: A Descriptive Comparative Study Between Courtyard Block and Panel Housing

Mariia TUMUREEVA & Dr. Valery KOZLOV / Irkutsk Ru / Novo-Lenino district in Irkutsk city as a post-socialist model of transformation


Chairs: Dr. Domonkos WETTSTEIN / Budapest H & Prof. Lubica VITKOVA / Bratislava Sk

David KLEPEJ / Ljubljana Slo / Planning Urban Tourism Infrastructure in Post-War Socialist Slovenia: the Case of City hotels

Olena LEMAK & Naja MAROT / Bratislava Sk / Transformation of the Danube recreational areas

Dr. Jelena MARIC / Belgrade Sr / Towards more resilient city: improving public health by increasing the usage of urban green open space – a case study of New Belgrade

Flóra PERÉNYI / Budapest H / Experimental architecture: examining Hungarian campings through the examples of two different styles in the social era

Kinga SÁMSON / Budapest H / Hungarian amusement parks from the fifties to nowadays

Gabriel SILVA DANTAS & Dr. Ildikó Réka NAGY / Budapest H / Br / Resilience of urban forms in context of Urban Green Infrastructure: Study case of Ferencváros, Budapest


BME Department of Urban Planning and Design (BME Urbanisztika Tanszék)

Foundation for Urban Design (Városépítészetért Alapítvány)


BME Faculty of Architecture Future Fund Program (BME Építészmérnöki Kar Jövő Alap Program)

National Cultural Fund of Hungary (Nemzeti Kulturális Alap)



Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Standing Committee of Urban Planning and Design of the Committee on Architecture (MTA Építészettudományi Bizottság Településtudományi Állandó Bizottsága)

CoHousing Budapest

E-Co-Housing – Co-creating a Regenerative Housing Project Together with the Community

Interreg Danube Transnational Programm DANUrB+ / DANube Urban Brand

EU COST Action 18137 : European Middle Class Mass Housing

Docomomo International ISC U+L

Institut Français de Budapest (French Institute Budapest / Francia Intézet Budapest)

For more information visit the DOCONF series website

ClientThe Car Rental Co
SkillsPhotography / Media Production

Project Title

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.


4 days ago

BME Építészmérnöki Kar
A JAF Holz Ungarn Kft. által meghirdetett Építészhallgatói Tervpályázattal összefüggésben Szakmai napot szervez a CLT építéstechnológia részletes alkalmazástechnikai bemutatására.A szakmai nap ideje, helye:2025. 01. 23. 8:30-13:45, BME K210 teremTematika és előadók:8:30 – 9:15 CLT technológia és referencia épületek bemutatása9:15 – 10:00 CLT 3 in 110:10 – 10:55 CLT épületek tervezési koncepciója10:55 – 11:25 Professzionális nyílászáró megoldások11:25 – 11:55 Fakro tetőtéri ablakok, felülvilágítók, fénycsatornák és padlásfeljáró lépcső12:15 – 12:45 Prefa tető- és homlokzati rendszerek12:45 – 13:15 Innovatív rögzítési megoldások13:15 – 13:45 Fa felületek kezelése beltérben és kültérbenMinden érdeklődő hallgatót szeretettel várunk! ... See MoreSee Less
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