Call for student design competition to design logo, info boards, visual style for Rail4V4+V project!
In June 2016, the “Rail4V4 + V – Railway Heritage for Sustainable Tourism” project, a Strategic Project of the Visegrad Fund has started. The name of the project Rail4V4 + V indicates that we will present the railway heritage of the V4 countries and Vojvodina using online and traditional tools. In the first phase of the project, we will present 5-5 (25 in total) railway heritages and monuments of the participating countries.
Aim of the competition: to design the visual style and logo of the project, as well as the information boards and visual elements to be placed at the railway heritage sites
Announcer of the competition: on behalf of the project, the Faculty of Architecture and Design of the Slovak University of Technology (STU)
Application deadline: November 1, 2021.
Applicants: secondary school, university students and young professionals from V4 countries and Serbia, max. 30 years of age
Language of the application: English
Awards: winner EUR 250, second EUR 150, third EUR 100
Access to the “call for student design competition” available here on this link.