Exhibition of József Zalakovács

Association of Hungarian Architects cordially invites everyone to the upcoming exhibition ‘Color &  Line’ by painter József Zalakovács on Tuesday, May 20th, 2014 at 5.30 pm.

Greetings will be delivered by: Prof. Balázs Balogh DLA, Széchenyi-Prize winner architect.
The exhibition will be opened by: Mihály Borsos, photographer, director of Társalgó Gallery.

Location: Építészek Háza, ‘Kós Károly’ room
Budapest, Ötpacsirta utca 2. (ground floor)

The exhibition is open from May 20 till May 30, 2014, from Monday to Fiday between 2pm – 6pm

Invitation card can be download from here.


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