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  6. Entry Requirements
Entry Requirements

General Course in Architecture (1-2 semesters)

Requested documents:
-High School diploma (with notarized English translation)
-High School transcript (with notarized English translation)
-English language entry requirements*
-CV (Curriculum Vitae)

There is no entrance exam.

Integrated MSc Program in Architectural Engineering (5 years)

Requested documents:
-High School diploma (with notarized English translation)
-High School transcript (with notarized English translation)
-English language entry requirements**
-CV (Curriculum Vitae)

The entrance exam consists of Mathematics and Physics.
Sample tests and practicing are available at http://e-admission.bme.hu/

The result can be admission:
-to the Integrated MSc Program in Architectural Engineering
-to the General Course in Architecture

Preparatory Year for Master of Science Program in Architecture (1-2 semesters)

Requested documents:
-BSc degree in Architecture, Architectural Engineering (with notarized English translation)
-BSc transcript in Architecture, Architectural Engineering (with notarized English translation)
-English language entry requirements**
-Recommendation letters (2)
-CV (Curriculum Vitae)

The entrance exam consists of a written part (example is available here) and an oral part (Skype interview).

The result can be admission:
-to the Master of Science Program in Architecture
-to the Preparatory Year for Master of Science Program in Architecture

Master of Science Program in Architecture (2 years)

Requested documents:
-BSc degree in Architecture, Architectural Engineering (with notarized English translation)
-BSc transcript in Architecture, Architectural Engineering (with notarized English translation)
-English language entry requirements**
-Recommendation letters (2)
-CV (Curriculum Vitae)

The entrance exam consists of a written part (example is available here) and an oral part (Skype interview).

The result can be admission:
-to the Master of Science Program in Architecture
-to the Preparatory Year for Master of Science Program in Architecture

Doctoral programs (PhD and DLA)

The Faculty of Architecture has two doctoral programs The  Doctoral School of Architecture offers a DLA program with its focus on architectural design. The Csonka Pál Doctoral School of Architecture offers a PhD program focusing on individual research. For more information please read the descriptions of those programs.

English language entry requirements*

B1 level proven by either of the following certificates:
-IELTS min. 4.0
-Cambridge B1 Preliminary (PET) min. 140
-TOEFL iBT min. 42
-Trinity Integrated Skills In English (ISE) min. ISE I
-TOEIC Listening and Reading* min. 275
-TOEIC Speaking and Writing* min. 120
-Pearson Academic (PTE) min. 23

OR: a Medium of Instruction Certificate
OR: a succesful English skills entrance exam in BME E-admission system

English language entry requirements**

English language skills at B2 level, proven by one of the following internationally recognised certificates:
-IELTS min. 5.0
-Cambridge B2 First (FCE) min. 160
-TOEFL iBT min. 72
-Trinity Integrated Skills In English (ISE) min. ISE II
-TOEIC Listening min. 400 / Reading min. 385
-TOEIC Speaking min. 160 / Writing min. 150
-Pearson Academic (PTE) min. 29

OR: a Medium of Instruction Certificate

In special cases (e.g. inability to take exams due to international sanctions, unavailability of service, etc.) exceptional permission has to be requested in advance for internal (BME) English language test.

-For the Doctoral programs (PhD and DLA) the minimum score is: TOEFL iBT 80 or IELTS 5.5


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