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  4. R&D and knowledge transfer
R&D and knowledge transfer


Our faculty has various R&D projects in cooperation with partners from the building industry. Members of the faculty are regularly invited  as professional advisors of structural and building damage investigations. We have experts in preservation and reconstruction of historical buidings. We have expertise in cooperative and community design projects.

If you plan to realize your R&D objectives in cooperation with the Faculty of Architecture, please contact Zsolt Vasáros, vice-dean for international relations (ndh@epitesz.bme.hu)

R&D projects

Colouring design, TARI, Gábor PhD

Design of the re-colouring of concrete block housing buildings in Budapest, Tata, Tatabánya, and Komárom, based on municipal commission.

CAADence International Conference in cooperation with Graphisoft, Autodesk and STUDIO IN-EX. The aim of the conference was to help to transfer and spread newly appearing design technologies, educational methods and digital modeling supported by information technology in architecture.

Shading systems: with the contribution of the Laboratory of Building Acoustics, Krüllung Shading Technology Ltd is developing novel shading systems that improve facade sound insulation of buildings in order to enhance acoustic comfort in offices and other premises. The 2 year long R&D project (GINOP-2.1.7-15-2016-00593) will end in August, 2019.

Examination of the public spaces of the Piarist Secondary School of Budapest (2018-2019, Mihály Balázs DLA, Éva Bedecs-Varga, Zsuzsanna Benyovszky-Varga, Tamás Karácsony DLA, Krisztina Somogyi, Kata Palicz)


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