CAADence in Architecture

The Department of Architectural Representation is organizing an international workshop and conference at BUTE, on 16-17th June, 2016 under the title: CAADence in Architecture.

The Department of Architectural Representation is organizing an international workshop and conference under the title: CAADence in Architecture.

The event will take place at the Faculty of Architecture of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, in Budapest (Hungary) on the 16-17th June, 2016 in cooperation with leading CAAD industry members.

The focus of this forthcoming event is the changing role of architects in relation to the increasing integration of information-technology into the design process.

Through paper presentations and a workshop the comittee wishes to spark a professional discourse amongst professors, researchers, practicing architects, PhD and regular students, who immerse themselves in different areas of computer aided architectural design methods and applications.

On the first day of the event (Thursday, 16th of June) workshops will be held followed by conference lectures on the second day (Friday, 17th of June). So far we have registered participants from 28 different countries. Through the workshops held in the computer labs the latest CAAD applications will be presented to the audience, who will then have the opportunity to immediately try those applications first hand. Within the topic of parametric design the direct connection between Rhino and ARCHICAD will probably be of great interest – which will be available in our labs from the coming semester.

Thanks to the sponsors of the event the graduate and DLA/PhD students from anywhere in the world can participate on the workshops and conference with a reduced fee. The Department of Architectural Representation wishes to make the event even more available to the students of the Faculty by a further 50% decrease in the registration fee.

The event’s homepage can be found at:

Those interested can read further details about the event in hungarian as well at:

You can register to the workshop and conference at:

Facebook page of the event:


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