Studio Week 2013

In semester 2012/13 the Studio Week is between 8-12. April 2013. For the first semester students the Department of Design establishes programs.

The higher classes can take part on programs organised designing and technical departments. In this semester the students can join to prepare developing plans of Museum of Fine Arts.

We are fondly waiting for all students’ and inquires’ attendance at the ceremonial opening of Studio Week at 10:00, 8th April 2013 (Monday).


Location: Museum of Fine Arts, Marble Hall



Dr. László Baán top director, ministerial officer

Dr. Gábor Becker academic teacher, dean

In the Museum of Fine Arts and the BME Aula the works created during Studio Week are to be exhibited. The opening of the exhibition: 12:00, 12. April 2013. (Friday), BME Aula


Studio Week 2013 – Programs of units 

[program of faculty] [flyer of faculty]


[flyer of faculty – printable version]

Department of Construction Technology and Management

[homepage] [program]

Architectural Museum Project Pre-feasibility study and pre-design conception
[without reference to college year, max. 20 person]

[application: at the secretariat of the department]

Department of Architectural Representation

[homepage] [program]

„KÉPesítés” (qualification for drawing) – media project
[without reference to college year, max. 20 person]


Department for History of Architecture and of Monuments

[homepage] [program]

Historical values of Városliget (City Park)
[without reference to college year, max. 20 person]

[application: at the secretariat of the department]

Department of Building Energetics and Building Services

[homepage] [program]

[without reference to college year, max. 20 person]

[application: at the secretariat of the department]

Department of Building Constructions

[homepage] [program]

Artisan Studio Week
[without reference to college year, max. 20 person]


Department of Industrial and Agricultural Building Design

[homepage] [program]

Architectural analysis of regions of Városliget and conceptional monitoring of its renewal possibilities
[fourth class, structure specialization]

[application: at the secretariat of the department]

Department of Public Building Design

[homepage] [program]

Discussion in Városliget – museum
[second class]

[application: at the secretariat of the department]

Department of Residential Buildings

[homepage] [program]

Routes – found places in Városliget
[fourth class, planning specialization]

[application: at the secretariat of the department]

Department of Design

[homepage] [program]


[first class]

[application: at the secretariat of the department]

Department of Mechanics, Materials and Structures

[homepage] [program]

Gaudi re-loaded
[without reference to college year, max. 20 person]


Department of Urban Studies

[homepage] [program]

The City and the Park
[third class]

[application: at the secretariat of the department]


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