ACA International Design Competition 2019-2020

ACA has been organizing the International Design Competition annually since 2013 to establish connections among the global architectural student community
and academia, to create reference points much beyond its immediate context and have a meaningful and progressively enriching dialogue on architecture by
breaking regional and contextual boundaries that we create for ourselves. In its 6th year, the competition has grown to be reckoned among the best events for
Architecture students to test their learning’s skills and showcase their capabilities. The last date for submission is 14th November 2019.

More about the Competition

In 2017, the competition opened to 17 ARCASIAN nations. The design brief was titled ‘Inhabiting Nature’ and invited architectural interpretations to set in
varied contextual settings of Asian countries. The National and International entries were Judged by an eminent panel of jury members and the eclectic prize
distribution ceremony was graced by Mubbasar Hussain as chief guest.

For the upcoming ‘2019 Competition’ we bring to you the competition brief, ‘ARCHITECTURE OF INHERITANCE’; an attempt to investigate the various possible outcomes through which inheritance can perform as a catalyst while creating a design that respects both past and present.

This year among our eminent Jurors we have Ar. Yatin Pandya of Footprints E.A.R.T.H, Architect, Author, Activist, Academician & Winner of 25 National and
International awards, Ar. Palinda Kannangara from Sri Lanka – Winner of many National and International Awards, AR.Laxman Thite who has helmed many industry associations and was conferred the Vijay Ratna Award, Ar. Kamal Malik who has won many commendations and awards has been in the list of top 10 architects of many industry publications for many years, we also have Ar. Sashi Prabhu who has to his credit designing and renovations of Sports Stadia and hospitals among his list of award-winning projects.

You can find all the relevant information regarding the event, eligibility & accolades on the following website: –

The registrations are open and the last date for submission is 14th November 2019.

The winning entry shall be awarded as follows:

1st place: Rs.100,000 ($1550)
2nd place Rs. 50,000 ($ 716)
3rd place: Rs. 30,000 ($430)

About Aditya College of Architecture

Aditya College of Architecture (ACA), was established in 2013. Since its inception, the college has continuously been working towards a vision to take
architectural education ahead of the traditional curriculum and achieving higher goals in grooming better professionals every year. The college is affiliated
to the University of Mumbai.

The primary objective of the school is to create ‘global practices with local concerns’ that achieve excellence in architectural design, practice and
professional life which not only needs the skillful creation of Architectural Spaces and pleasing aesthetics but also take inspirations from an in-depth bank
of technical knowledge and practical know-how.


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