Architecture internship for EU students in Czech studio Chybik-Kristof

Chybik+Kristof Architects and Urban Designers offers students internships Czech studio Chybik+Kristof is accepting architecture students for 6- and 12-month internships.
The offer applies to our offices in Prague (CZ), Brno (CZ), and Bratislava (SK).
Founded by Ondrej Chybik (*1985) and Michal Kristof (*1986), the architectural studio has been labelled as the most progressive young architectural studio in the region. It boasts an international team that work on a variety of diverse and innovative urban and architectural projects across the globe.
Comprising over 50 professionals based in three studios in Prague, Brno, and Bratislava, our dynamically growing team is characterized by shared passion for contemporary architecture, design, and progressivity.
The studio is looking for creative, innovative, and stress resistant English speaking candidates from the EU who also possess a strong sense of teamwork. Experience with Autocad, Adobe, Sketch-up or Rhinoceros is essential. Sounds like an opportunity you cannot miss? Send in your portfolio (up to 10MB) as well as CV to

REQUIREMENTS: Excellent Autocad skills Excellent experience with Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign) Good knowledge of Sketchup or Rhinoceros Professional working proficiency in English (or higher)

OFFER: Opportunity to participate in a variety of diverse and innovative projects Young, progressive, and enthusiastic team Chance to gain new skills while working on our global projects Coordination with Erasmus+ Programme


1 week ago

BME Építészmérnöki Kar
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